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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kouda Entry_195: Back in Kelantan.

01-02 03-04 05-06 07-08 



 195 - 09 



195 - 10


195 - 11



Hish, there was a spider in my toilet. It was relatively small, but it’s still gross to find bugs in your toilet.

Yay! I’m back in Kelantan! The semester break is finally here, and I can be as lazy as I want~!!!


Oh, yay comic strip!! Been ages, eh? Haha.

THEI hate spidersEND

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kouda Entry_194: Kyo says…

01-02 03 04 

Quick sketch. I’m hungry, sleepy and lazy. But I got a few lab reports to finish and need to study for an upcoming Biotech paper. DX

Lol poor quality. I just scribbled this on a piece of paper. It’s quicker, but the quality is horrid. Lol.

THEyou say?END