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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kouda Entry_289: Battle III

289 - intro
289 - set 1
289 - set 2
289 - set 3
289 - set 4
289 - set 5
289 - set 6
The Mucus Beast makes his debut!! Will Kyo survive it’s attack!? Will his incessant coughing ever stop!? Find out next time on “OMG KYO IS SICK AGAIN WATDEHEL”!?

Not sure why it’s Battle “III”? Click the links below to learn about the previous battles:-
Battle 1:- Kouda Entry_214: Battle II
Battle 2:- Kouda Entry_208: Battle!

THEno, there’s no next time, ekceli…END

del.icio.us Tags: ,,,

Monday, January 13, 2014

Kouda Entry_288: The Problem with Coffee

When people drink coffee...

When I drink coffee...
