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Monday, March 14, 2011

Kouda Entry_219: United BioMass

It’s here!! The video I’ve been working on for the past 2 weeks is now viewable! :D


Kouda Entry_219: United BioMass

Watch it on youtube for a better view:-
Click here to watch the video in HD


Finally, after weeks of planning and hard work, we finally managed to pull our program off. Even though we had a few problems along the way, I still think that BioVille was a relatively enjoyable event.

There were A LOT of hiccups while planning and carrying the program out. To my juniors and friends who went to BioVille (and the ones who are reading this post), I apologize on behalf of the AJK for giving you guys so much trouble.

I spent 2 weeks going about UiTM to gather the individual parts for the video. And in those 2 weeks, I have gotten to know my predecessors. A feat that I don’t think I would have been able to do if I hadn’t come up with the idea for the lip syncing collaboration.

I’m glad that the future of the BioMolecular Association (BioMass) will be in their hands when we (the seniors) graduate.

I can’t contribute much. This video, and the good times we had while making and watching it is all I have to offer. This may be my final contribution to BioMass, to my juniors, my lecturers, and the staff members. So, I wanted it to be memorable. :)


You guys are amazing. And I hope all of you had a great time.